Family Curse – Cancer

Cancer is a deadly and tragic disease which became a Curse in my family. Following is the beginning of our story. If you find my case interesting, please follow me for more on MY WEBSITE.

Family History – Curse Started with My Mother:

This horrible Curse started with my Mother over 70 years ago. She was always a very beautiful woman with a magnetic personality, loved by all. Her first diagnosis was at the age of 33 with BREAST CANCER. At that time she had one breast removed and the treatment option was a horrific one. Her breast was removed along with all the muscles under her arm and all skin tissue was removed to a thin layer directly on the bones of the rib.. She was then placed in a body cast from her shoulders down. As her surgery began to heal the horrid stench was always coming up from the cast. Once removed, she could not lift her arm. Regaining the ability was a very painful process. I remember as a young child hearing her screams as my Aunt worked with her daily in her exercises of working her arm upward. It was devastating for my 3 siblings and I wanting it to stop but it continued on for months. She eventually regained her use and continued on cancer-free for another 12 years.

Next, we lost Mom’s sister to Cancer a few years later who lived in Colorado. We did not know her very well, so I do not have any idea about her treatment, but it was about 5 years after Mother’s initial Cancer diagnosis.

The Cancer Curse Returned

At the age of 45 her breast cancer returned in the other breast but at the time it was discovered it had spread to her lungs. We all believe that she knew it was back earlier, but she was tending to our Father who had experienced a heart attack earlier as well as a serious spinal issue (much later determined to be Ankylosing Spondylitis, forcing him to sleep in a chair for over 45 years later}. She underwent a 2nd much simpler breast removal, and radiation therapy. and finally succumbed to the curse at the age of 48.

In 1991 we lost another of my Mother’s Sisters to breast and lung cancer. Since every member of Mom’s family were heavy smokers, we believed that was where it was starting from. Every photo and video from those days you could see cigarettes and smoke everywhere.

Another Generation Impacted by Family Cancer Curse

In 1989 my baby sister, Celeste, who suffered from Manic Depression, came to my older sister and I and asked why her breasts were so bumpy looking. She was only 40 at the time. We knew right away that it was the Curse, and she immediately underwent a double mastectomy, horrible chemotherapy and radiation. My older Sister, Sandy was her care giver, but she finally succumbed to the curse as well at the age of 43. She always told us when she dies, she would send us a sign letting us know she was ok and when we left the hospital that night there was a bright full blue moon with a circle around it that we all felt was her sign. We just stood in the parking lot and sobbed.

This was the tragic beginning to a long continuing battle against this Deadly and Tragic Disease. I urge you to all become aware of all the symptoms and signs of this dreaded disease. Get your mammograms and checkups, please. Also support all your local associations and The American Cancer Society who work hard to help the victims and the science to find a cure. God Bless you all and follow me at this website for further information on our family curse.

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